Wednesday, 28 November 2018


This tour of the flight of the Condors in the Apurímac canyon is a new tourist route recommended for nature lovers and bird watchers. During the trip to the Cañon del Condor we can appreciate beautiful cultural attractions such as the Archaeological Center of Quillarumiyoc, Tarawasi and different natural attractions such as mountains, streams, rivers and snowy mountains. (Apu pucara), snow-capped Humantay & Salkantay, we will finally witness the majestic flight of the Andean condor in its natural habitat.
This viewpoint is the natural sanctuary of the Andean condor, you will see a number of condors flying majestically through this beautiful valley, in the Inca era, the condor was considered a sacred and totemic bird. 
Latin America is recognized worldwide for the diversity and natural beauty that are hidden within countries like Peru. An unparalleled adventure destination is Cusco, which guards the Salkantay Mountain route, an attraction that moves with the beautiful landscapes and keeps years of history. 
Location: Cusco, Perú


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