In sector I, the sector of the plaza and temple, hanan area, located to the north and which is the highest part, there are five floor buildings, located on terraces of different levels. It is possible that they served as the residence of the priests. Higher up, there is another smaller plaza where two warehouse buildings (qolqas) and three other long residential buildings are located.
(kallankas). A wall with a main channel of water collected from the Ch’unchumayo stream also enters here, supplying the archaeological site and descending, like a spinal column, organizing the arrangement of the buildings.
In sector II, hanan zone, there are the deposits or qolqampatas divided into warehouses with internal subdivisions with quincha partitions; in another space, within this subsector, there are small ceremonial platforms (16 platforms), crossed by an alternate channel that takes advantage of the waters of the main channel.

Sector III, which appears to be the main square or Hauqaypata, is located between the upper (hanan) and lower (hurin) sectors, on the filling of a platform. On the extreme sides of this square there are buildings with one and two levels. In the north there is a kallanka (building) for ceremonial use — Sunturwasi — with low niches (kind of chapels); To the east are two-story buildings with walls that support gabled roofs. They have two facades, one for entering the main plaza and the other that leads to a patio with side accesses. Access to these buildings is through double jamb covers (a double frame). These buildings are separated by a corridor, which highlights the largest building (kallanka) in the city that goes to the side of the backyard and that leaves through a wall to the south side, which is where the platforms in the north sector are located. of the city or llacta.
Sector IV, located in the Hurin or south zone, is a main construction made up of five covers called by Sartiges "triumphal wall" and by Samanez and Zapata "wall of offerings to the ancestors". The other four, probably, were for ceremonial use and would correspond to an open temple. Behind these covers is a field, where you enter a second level, which is above the covers.
Sector V is the ushnu: a hill cut at its top that forms a ceremonial oval platform and surrounded by a small wall as a fence, which is entered by an entrance that first rises by steps and from where you can see the main square and hanan site. From this place the snow-capped mountains and the Apurímac river are visible.
Sector VI is the Wasi Cancha, located south of the ushnu in the lower part; It is also known as a temple and home of priests. A space of four platforms with zigzag walls is observed, which was used as a ceremonial space. In the first wall it is finished off with a source for water, and the other platforms are accessed with stairs. Below this area of worship you can see a field or space with two enclosures of one and a half floors enclosed by a perimeter wall; from here you can see a good part of the Apurímac river canyon.
Sector VII belongs to the cultivation platforms on the east side. It stands out from the rest, for being wide and wide platforms. It can be entered through walkways from the main square.

The discovery was made in September 2004 within the framework of the «Cadastre and Delimitation (...)
Sector VIII is an area of cultivation platforms, located on the west side, with eighty platforms, divided into plots and water channels that descend from the main square. Here were the famous "Llamas del Sol"
The ceramic remains show a multi-ethnic presence of the llacta (even though there has been int (...)
Sector IX is made up of popular houses, also called Pikiwasi, and is where one of the water channels ends. The houses seem to have been for collective and family use, built on artificial platforms, rectangular, square and circular in design, communicating by means of stairs and narrow passageways.
Sector X is made up of the cultivation platforms, the Paraqtepata, made up of 18 platforms and irrigation channels parallel to the stairs.
Sector XI also has cultivation platforms, the Phaqchayoq, made up of 80 wide platforms, the largest of the entire complex and located on the right bank of the Ch’unchumayo stream. There are also small quadrilateral enclosures in the middle of the plots with two-level enclosures, both for ceremonial use and for housing, with three sources for water and irrigation channels.
Sector XII presents cultivation platforms three hours away from Hanan Square, and is made up of 57 platforms with permanent irrigation. In the upper part there are buildings for ceremonial use that occupy the entire width of the platform, a spring pool, a semicircular enclosure where ceramic remains, stone tools and bone remains were found.