You can visit the architectural complex Choquequirao is situated in Vilcabamba at 3100 meters, considered the last Inka refuge and place of resistance from the invaders, when doing ....


Our Inca Jungle Trail classic To Machu Picchu combines adventure sports such as mountain biking, rafting, zip line, hot spring and trekking for 4 days until you reach Machu Picchu....


The quarry of Cachicata was the place of extraction of the stones that were used for the construction of Ollantaytambo and many surrounding areas....


In the upper area close to the Skies, the Incas built one of their best-preserved cities, now recognized as one of the 7 wonders of the modern world. Many travelers and adventurers come....


According to the research, the coloration of the rainbow mountain is due to the composition of minerals that it has: the pink color is for the red clay, fangolitas and arilitas. The whitish, for the quartzose ...

Showing posts with label tourism peru. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tourism peru. Show all posts

Tuesday, 31 March 2020

General Information of the Ausangate Mountain - Cusco - Peru

Ausangate, snowy (6,372 m)

Andes (South America)
Vilcanota mountain range (Andes), in Peru, with an altitude of 6,372 m above sea level. It is located about 100 kilometers southeast of the city of Cusco. AUSANGATE TREK INFORMATION

Basic information

  1. Relief unit: Andes
  2. Country: Peru (South America)
  3. Main summit
  4. Region: Peruvian Andes
  5. Altitude: 6,372 m
  6. Latitude: 13 ° 47 '18' 'S
  7. Longitude: 71 ° 13 '40' 'O

Every year, hundreds of mountaineers visit the Andean region of Peru. However, not many are aware of the existence of Ausangate, one of the Inca divinities of 6,410 meters high.
Located near Cusco, the "mountain of seven colors" is the fifth highest peak in Peru. Its remote existence from traditional routes means that few tourists approach its walls and glaciers; However, it is worth visiting for its unmatched beauty.
During the Inca Empire, Ausangate embodied one of its most important divinities. Distinction that still lasts; since, the inhabitants who live in the surroundings continue to consider her as an unreachable and sacred god.
The moderate difficulty of ascending the mountain and the possibility of living a unique experience outdoors, make visiting Ausangate a relevant option.
How to get?. Ausangate is located about 100 kilometers southeast of the city of Cusco. Leaving the city by car, the estimated travel time is 3 hours. Upon arrival in Chilca, you have to continue walking for another 3 hours, approximately, until you arrive at this formidable mountain of colors.
For tourists who do not have their own vehicle, there is the possibility of hiring a tour from the city of Cusco, or renting a private vehicle from Thrifty, one of the leading companies in the business.

Sunday, 29 March 2020


Where is Huchuy Qosqo located?

Huchuy Qosqo is located in the peasant community of the same name, just under 5 km from the city of Calca in the department of Cusco, in the Sacred Valley of the Incas; exactly at a summit at 570 m. over the Urubamba river basin (Vilcanota). The Huchuy Qosqo route is very beautiful; walking its trails will allow you to visit some Andean communities, archaeological centers and enjoy beautiful landscapes. Many people take advantage of visiting Huchuy Qosqo on their trip to Machu Picchu. HUCHUY QOSQO TREK TO MACHU PICCHU

What does Huchuy Qosqo mean?

Huchuy Qosqo means "Little Cusco", but it also has other names; one would be Qaqyaxaqixawana and the other Qaqyaqhawana, this means "from where the rays are observed"; and without a doubt it is a good name since being 800 meters above the Sacred Valley of the Incas, gives you the opportunity to see the dramatic light and sound show, at the moment when lightning and thunder descend from the sky to crash into the ground. Others say that the site was probably known in Inca times as "Caquia Jaquijahuana".

Huchuy Qosqo Archaeological Complex (Qaqyaqawana)

The compound located in Huchuy Qosqo, is called Qaqyaqawana; Quechua name that refers to the place where the lightning is seen. This archaeological site is located in the upper third of the mountain called Qaqya (thunder), and exhibits one of the most impressive topographical modification works through the use of andenería, modulating the edges of precipices and vertical ravines over the Vilcanota Valley, culminating on platforms that were used as ceremonial esplanades, around which several architectural structures made of stone and adobe can still be found standing. Materials used and worked with great judgment, achieving a fine finish.
In addition, the structures of the enclosure are distributed in such a way that they architecturally resemble the city of Cusco; it is for this reason that at the beginning of the 20th century it receives the name of Huchuy Qosqo (small Cusco). One of the most outstanding characteristics of this archaeological site is the use of lithic material combined with adobe and clay. This shows the knowledge and mastery of the different construction materials, used with high technology, especially adobe; The centuries-old walls built of this material still defy the strong inclement weather of the area, seismic movements and of course the passage of time.



This complex is the most important archaeological center in the Urubamba valley, after Ollantaytambo and Pisac. The ruins are impressive, although the conservation of the site is inferior to that of Ollantaytambo or Pisac, because they are older.

But unlike the aforementioned places, Huchuy Qosqo has a peculiar architecture: the buildings have been built on polished stone bases with a fine finish, with clay plaster (they are the best preserved parts) and the highest floors are made of adobe. INFORMATION OF HUCHUY QOSQO TREK
A kallanka (rectangular enclosure that could measure up to 70 meters long and that were important state centers where Inca officials stayed) is observed, at least 40 to 50 meters long. Also a remarkable building with two stone floors and an upper one of adobe. There are also large terraces, a very large plaza and a large Inca gate through which a well-preserved path leads from Tambomachay.
The Hispanic chronicles refer that Huchuy Qosqo (probably a site known in Inca times as Caquia Jaquijahuana) was the work and preferred place of the Inca Wiracocha. To this, Maria Rostworoski adds, in her work "History of the Tahuantinsuyo", that this sovereign established the conquest over the towns of the Urubamba valley and that he chose as his successor his Inca son Urco who, dizzy with power and vices, proved to be totally incapable of ruling. Inca royalty was very confused by this choice and they tried to conspire to impose on another Wiracocha son, Prince Cusi Yupanqui. Social unrest and tension increased every day and to make matters worse, the darkest night fell on Cuzco: the Chancas reached the gates of the capital and were ready to destroy it. It is the year of 1438. Wiracocha abandons the city to his fate and, accompanied by his son Inca Urco, takes refuge in his palaces in the Urubamba Valley, among which was Huchuy Qosqo.

After the Spanish conquest, Gonzalo Pizarro found the mummy that supposedly belonged to the Inca Wiracocha here and ordered to burn it. The descendants of the Inca kept the ashes in a jar that many years later the chronicler Polo de Ondegardo would discover.

Characteristics of the visit

It is possible to visit Huchuy Qosqo in two ways, the first walking from Cusco and Tambomachay along the Inca trail. The other way is going up from the Sacred Valley after crossing the Wilcamayo river (today Vilcanota).


Hours (all year)Free access

Friday, 20 March 2020


The Incas covered much of the South American continent. To maintain communication in such a vast territory, it was necessary to build a network of roads. Thus, the Inca ordered to build a network of roads called Qhapac Ñan (Inca Trail).

The Qhapac Ñan managed to cover up to 30 thousand kilometers from the current countries of Peru, Ecuador and part of Bolivia, Chile, Argentina and Colombia. The trekking route from the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu is only a small part of the extensive network of roads of the Qhapac Ñan.

The Inca Trail to Machu Picchu

The Inca Trail was revealed to the world in 1915 when it was being excavated in the Inca City. Three decades later, the route was traced by the Viking expedition in 1942. Today, thousands of visitors decide to travel the 43 kilometers to the ‘Puerta del Sol’ in Machu Picchu.
However, Machu Picchu is not the only archaeological site that you will see on the Inca Trail. On the tour you will also appreciate the ruins of Llactapata, the archaeological site of Runkurakay, Saycamarca, Phuyupatamarca and Wiñaywayna.

There are trains and buses that can take you directly to Machu Picchu. However, the experience of arriving as the Incas did for centuries is unmatched.

Versions of the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu

Not all people have the days necessary to travel the Inca Trail (4 days and 3 nights). That is why there are 3 versions depending on the time you have:
  1. Classic Inca Trail: 4 days and 3 nights (43 kilometers of walking).
  2. Imperial Inca Trail: 5 days and 4 nights (43 kilometers of walking).
  3. Short Inca Trail: 2 days and 1 night (12 kilometer walk).

About tickets to enter the Inca Trail

Due to the high demand for tickets, you must get the entrance tickets to the Inca Trail well in advance (6 months). The purchase is made only online through the website of an authorized tourism agency.
In total 500 people enter the trails of the Inca Trail every day. Of these, only 200 are tourists. The rest are support staff such as cooks, porters, guides. The ticket to enter the Inca Trail includes support staff.

Did not find availability to do the Inca Trail? 

The only way to enter the Wonder of the World is by train through the Sacred Valley of the Incas or by the alternative route from Santa María to Machu Picchu. Entrance tickets to Machu Picchu must also be reserved in advance.
Do you want to enter the Huayna Picchu after the Inca Trail? Request entry into the agency paying an extra price. You can also request a more luxurious train service.

Friday, 21 February 2020


The Abra Malaga is a route that starts in the town of Ollantaytambo, Cusco and runs along the 28B Ollantaytambo - Quillabamba road through unique Andean ecosystems. This route contains two types of well-defined areas: El Abra (4,297 meters above sea level) and the lower zone (Carrizales 3,245 meters above sea level). The birds you can see are rare and highly sought after.
The predominant ecosystem is the rain forest Montano Tropical or cloud forest in the Carrizales area, with low-rise tree forests covered by epiphytic plants and also some bamboo areas. In the Abra Málaga, at 4,200 meters high, we are in a tropical rainforest-Montano moor, with small Polylepis forests at the basin births.


The birdlife in this area of ​​
was studied since 1869 by Sclater and Salvin, Berlepsch and Stolzmann (1906).
In 1915 an expedition of the Geographical Society Machu Picchu is made, directed by Frank M. Chapman and George K. Cherrie (July 1-24, 1916), and by Harry L. Watkins (April 3-25, 1917).
From September 1974, June 1976, 1977 and 1978, October 1978 and August 1979, personnel from the Zoological Museum of Louisiana State University (LSU) visited the valley to conduct an inventory and increase knowledge of birds and small mammals. Three main camps were made along the Ollantaytambo-Quillabamba road through the Abra Málaga (3900 m), and a fourth was in Kiteni (450 m), after Quillabamba.

Starting from Ollantaytambo, the first place to visit is Las Peñas, located 15 Kms from the town. Named for having remains of Inca stone constructions in place. In the surroundings, between the bushes and at the edge of the road you can see: Cuzco Brush-finch, Chestnut-breasted Mountain-finch, Tyrian Metaltail, Shining Sunbeam, White-tufted Sunbeam, Puna Tapaculo, White-browed Conebill.
Another place of interest is the descent of the Abra, on the way to Quillabamba, where the good places are the Vegetation patches around the track, there you can see the Puna Thistletail, Unstreaked Tit-tyrant, Creamy-crested Spinetail, Diademed Tapaculo, Thrush- like Wren, Rufous-chested Tanager, Buff-breasted Mountain-tanager, Chestnut-bellied Mountain-tanager, Scarlet-bellied Mountain-tanager, White-bellied Hummingbird.

The Abra Málaga Thastayoc is the highest point of the route and is the safest and most accessible area to see the Royal Cinclodes. To do this you must follow the path that starts at the checkpoint, located at the highest point of the Abra. From there follow the path until you reach a Polylepis forest located at 4,150 meters high. You can also see the Stripe-headed Antpitta, Blue-mantled Thornbill, Shining Sunbeam, Puna Tapaculo, White-browed Tit-spinetail, Tawny Tit-Spinetail. The route for this forest is very rugged and long. It takes 2-3 hours to travel.


The weather is rainy between the months of November to April, and temperate with infrequent rains between the months of May to October. The temperature varies from -5 degrees in the Abra Málaga to 20 degrees in the Carrizales area.


Along the road it is not necessary to make any payment. To enter the Cinclodes route, it is necessary to pay an entrance fee, differentiated for Nationals and Foreigners. This payment is made at the checkpoint. Here you have bathrooms.

Tourist attractions of the valley of Lares Cusco

The people of Lima who live in Cusco have a typical crisis due to lack of the sea. Luckily we have the hot springs of Lares, which although it is neither beach nor sea, has enough water to kill the withdrawal syndrome or at least, shuffle it a few more weeks.
Lares is in the Valley of the same name, and it is reached by means of a road that departs from Calca in the Sacred Valley (located after Pisac). It is literally on the other side of the mountain range. I already went a couple of times: the first by car and the second on foot from Huarán as I told you in the post Stairway to Heaven.

What is special about Lares? WATER as a court, and best of all, warm to fight the cold of Cusco and calate a little like in San Bartolo or La Herradura. In the technical words of our Mincetur friends: “the temperature ranges between 36º and 44ºC, the medicinal mineral water outcrops have Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium, Potassium, Chlorides, Sulphates, Bicarbonates, Iron, Manganese, Zinc, Boron, Copper and dissolved solids. The waters have a yellowish coloration, here we find the presence of stalactites and stalacmites at the entrance of these baths ”.

We may not fully understand what a stalacmite is, but it turns out that these waters are good for treating rheumatic, traumatic (arthritis) fracture treatment, osteo joint pain, muscle aches, stomach diseases and more. For my part I assure you that a bath in Lares encourages your soul and leaves you ready for your return to the sea.
The entrance to Lares is 10 soles, general admission, only the people of Cusco pay 4 soles. If you want you can camp. It costs five soles per tent. I recommend it: so you can enjoy the baths all night and relax until you are tired of being happy. There are also lodgings, both in the town of Lares (2 kilometers) or near the bathrooms. Average, 25 soles per person. The buses from Calca to Lares cost 10 soles and take two hours to arrive.
In general, I suggest having two full days for Lares, staying one night. The first way, you need at least five hours to get to the bathrooms from Cusco (Cusco - Calca is like two hours more the trip to Lares). All that day you can spend floating, with intervals of walk, walk (there are interesting roads) and return to any of the four pools. You sleep well. The next day you finish off with a few more hours to cut it and you return to Cusco. You were not in the sea, but in the water, which is the mother of all things.

Saturday, 18 May 2019


This day will begin with a welcome at the airport or bus terminal, then transfer to the hostel or Hotel, we chose for you, then you will have the rest of the morning to rest and acclimatize. At 1:30 pm. we will pick you up at your hotel for the City Tour, we will begin the tour visiting the QORICANCHA; or Convent of Santo Domingo. Then we’ll visit the Archaeological Complexes that are close to the city of Cusco, starting with the impressive fortress of Sacsayhuaman; here we can see the cyclopean constructions and have a panoramic view of Cusco, then we head to Q'ENQO where we will see high precision carving into the rock, then we head to PUKAPUKARA; there we can see part of the Inca trail, finally we visit TAMBOMACHAY; This site was designed basically for the performance of ceremonies and water purification. The tour will end at approximately 6:30 pm.
This wonderful excursion begins with pick up from your hotel at 08:30 am to begin our journey to the Sacred Valley of the Incas, during our tour we make stops at the viewpoints of Taray and Ccorao, we’ll also visit the typical market of Pisac and the archaeological complex of Pisac, where we find very important Inca buildings that serve as an area of adaptation for some Inca produce. Then we continue to the town of Urubamba where we will enjoy a delicious buffet lunch at a tourist restaurant, then continue our journey to the archaeological complex of Ollantaytambo. after we’ll board the train at the station of Ollantaytambo towards Aguas Calientes, where we spend the night. (Optionally we can enjoy the hot springs in Aguas Calientes).

We will pick you up at your hotel 2 hours before the departure of your train, and take you to the train station, located in the town of Ollantaytambo, here we take the train and begin the journey from Ollantaytambo to the village of Aguas Calientes which lasts two hours, where our guide will be waiting, with the guide we will go to the bus station, where we’ll board the bus that will take us to the wonderful citadel of " Machu Picchu ". On reaching the Citadel, we begin our guided tour, visiting the Main Square, the Circular Tower, the Cemeteries, Intihuatana, the Royal Quarters, and the Temple of the Three Windows etc. approximately more than two hours. Then you will be given free time to stroll around the citadel, then we descend to the town of Aguas Calientes by bus, where you can you have lunch at one of several restaurants in Aguas Calientes or if you wish at Sanctuary Lodge. (Lunch is on you). At 6:30 pm, we take the train that will take us back to Ollantaytambo. This trip takes about two hours; therefore, at 8:20 pm, we will take the bus to take us back to Cusco; we’ll arrive in Cusco at approximately 10:30 pm.
This day according to the departure time of your travel ticket, we will coordinate with you the time of your pickup and then transfer either to the Bus station or to the airport to return to your hometown.