In the Inca mythology of this mountain and the nearby lakes - among which Sibinacocha stands out - the male energy is born that fertilizes the mother earth Pachamama, after a long flow, the waters are lost in the unknown lands of the Amazon to return, to fill the lakes and glaciers every night turned into the river of stars or Willkamayu known in the west as the Milky Way The Community of Chillca made up of shepherds of llamas and alpacas is known as the guardian of these pristine places, from where it can be done mountain walks spending the night in comfortable hostels or tambos, among which Machuracay Tambo stand out, in a trek called "Camino del Apu Ausangate".
Every year on the north side of Ausangate the feast of Quyllur Rit'i (Quechua: "star snow") is celebrated before the feast of Corpus Christi, during which thousands of Quechua pilgrims to the Lord of Quyllur Rit'i in the church from Sinakara. Snowy Ausangate normally takes a 7-day tour, it is an adventure that no one should miss.
The Nevado Ausangate is a natural attraction that is located in the Ocongate district, within the Quispicanchi province, in the department of Cusco. That snow-capped mountain is part of the Vilcanota Mountain Range and, according to an ancient legend, was the brother of the snow-capped mountain of Salkantay.
Nevado Ausangate, has a height of 6,384 meters above sea level; and it is considered an apu, or protective deity of the towns that surround it; as well as the most representative mountain in the region. Its size is such that it can be appreciated even if one is in the Sacsayhuamán Fortress, not in vain is it considered the fifth highest mountain found in Peru.

This beautiful snowy Cusco, impresses the eye, for its incredible natural formations; in that one not only are beautiful mirrors of water like the Sivinicocha, of turquoise waters, but also forests of stones, glaciers and high plains that seem to make this natural attraction a paradise on earth, especially for those tourists who are interested for adventure sports since the geographical features of Ausangate make it ideal for practicing sports such as rock climbing, ice climbing, trekking, among other activities.
The Nevado Ausangate is presented before our eyes as a mountain challenge; It is known that the first attempts to ascend it took place at the beginning of the fifties of the last century, there were two the first unsuccessful attempts to conquer the top of the powerful Apu, it was not until 1953, when a German expedition achieved the goal, Climbing the mountain on its southern slope, in posterity, new routes were opened for the conquest of the Apu, however, only in 1983, thirty years after the first ascent, Peruvian feet crowned the top of the majestic snow-capped mountain. AUSANGATE TREK ROUTES CUSCO - PERU
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