It is an Inca urban construction, which archaeological studies may be better specifying in the future, as its architectural structure and functions are analyzed. Only archaeologists will determine if there is material evidence with greater antiquity in the same location.56 In a general sense, the Andean populated centers especially Inca also called liadas, are characterized by being fixed according to a distribution pattern: square; a number of large, elongated and rectangular buildings called kallankas; deposits or collqas; platforms or ushnu cradle in their squares for the cult of the Sun and probably to carry the agricultural calendar with more precision (Thompson 1972: 78; cf. also Ayme Carrasco 2003: 237-38, 250-53). According to ethnohistorians, these populated centers followed the model of the city of Cusco, where the ritual and ceremonial spaces had the solar temple, royal apartments and, what we could call, a civil administrative part: prisons, acllahuasis, warehouses (Espinoza 1997b : 362; cf. also Rostworowski 2004: 173). However, it cannot be asserted that there was a general and constant pattern for all urban settlements, Choquequirao is also a good example of the adaptation in a steep and high terrain of a llacta that conserves the fundamental elements, but adequate to a certain area of construction. INFORMATION OF CHOQUEQUIRAO TREK
The urban layout, as seen by archaeologists, follows the dual Andean pattern. There is a high sector: hanan, and another low part, hurin. In this regard, archaeologists Roberto Samanez and Julinho Zapata point out:
When studying the distribution of functions in Choquequirao, a dual organization is perceived, very widespread, which creates a high sector and another low part or Hurin. It has been established that the High Sector is the one occupied by the buildings in the extreme North, and the Low sector is the one next to the main square where ceremonial buildings are located, the three two-level buildings and the two Kallankas. (Samanez and Zapata 1999: 90)
Choquequirao is built following a north-south axis with a drop of 65 meters in height between the first and second planes. Each plan has three groups of constructions that are distributed following the topographic disposition of the terrain. The central area of the complex, probably ceremonial, is 700 meters long.
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