Monday, 10 February 2020


What do we observe in Huchuy Qosqo?
  • Long grouping of terraces with walls as retaining walls, which leave terraces suitable for agriculture.
  • Three-story building, the first two are two almost regular polyhedra and the third is adobe. The enclosure is rectangular and of excellent quality.
  • Foundations and remains of two identical buildings, inside and arranged next to it, in succession. A long adobe building, rectangular, on a prominent platform, a building that has many doors to the valley.
  • Many smaller enclosures dispersed and in poor condition.
  • An Inca road nearby oriented straight towards Cusco.
  • Some small loose enclosures, such as outposts or guard posts, on the edge of the cliff, with visual control over the wide valley.
  • Nail stones or false stone beams, belonging to the mojinete of the buildings.

How to get to Huchuy Qosqo?

The routes to get to Huchuy Qosqo Trek are many, among which we have:
  • Walk through the town of Lamay-Calca.
  • Walk through the town of Cuper Alto-Chinchero-Urubamba
  • Walk through the ruins of Tambomachay (the busiest)
  • Walk from the Plaza de Armas of Cusco.
Location: Cusco, Perú


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