Seven Cataracts-Qanchis Paccha is the new Private Conservation Area (ACP) recognized for the period of 10 years in the Cusco region by the Ministry of Environment. Located in the district of Lares (province of Calca, Cusco) this ACP reaffirms the commitment of the Quishuarani Collana peasant community to the conservation of natural heritage by being the second Private Conservation Area established in its territory.

Recognized by Ministerial Resolution No. 214-2015-MINAM, on an area of 1,008.51 hectares, this area is a reflection of the community's initiative to integrate local actors in the care of the biodiversity of queñua forests, a work that It has been doing since 2009 with the establishment of the ACP Hatun Queñua-Quishuarani Ccollana, Sernanp informed INFOREGION. MORE INFORMATION: Lares Trek
Located 110 kilometers from the city of Cusco, the area stands out for its great biodiversity and natural landscapes that are highly attractive for tourism development. In this ACP, Queñua forests predominate that fulfill a function of climate regulator and constitute the only habitat of three species of birds in danger of extinction: the pechicenizo bull, the cejiblanco scissor and the royal churrete. In addition, they provide a wide range of plants for medicinal use that are used by the local community.
The area has a snowy chain, the most important being the Colquecampana snowfall, a set of lagoons in which different species of birds are observed such as the bandurria de la puna, the jergon duck and the crestón duck. In the highest areas there are snowfalls that form basin headwaters and constitute the main sources of water for the inhabitants of the sector.
Within the landscape and experiential potential offered by this ACP, the imposing waterfall called Siete Cataratas or Qanchis Paccha stands out. Likewise, visitors will be able to observe different species of fauna such as the Andean cat, the taruca, the puma, the vizcacha and the Andean fox.
Cusco Destination
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